
Welcome To HandsFreeTraffic.com! A Paying Traffic Exchange!!

Join Free or Upgrade and Advertise Hands Free!

We hope you will make HandsFreeTraffic one of your favorite Traffic Exchanges. Advertise money making opportunities, exchanges, internet marketing programs, blogs, your own business, and more! While you surf, you will get to play games, earn prizes, and receive free hits. The more you click, the more free hits you will receive. Join today and you will enjoy the following benefits:

Free Members Receive:

200 Free Hits when you join and activate your account
100 Free Hits for everyone you refer to HandsFreeTraffic
Free Members receive 1 traffic credit for each page viewed
Free Members receive up to seven (7) sites they can advertise
Earn traffic credits each time your Hands Free Referral Page is shown on another TE.

Upgraded Memberships - 4 to choose from - As low as $1.25 per month!

Basic Pro - Cost $1.25

You can earn a residual income each month
Receive Random Referrals to your first level so you can earn a commission
300 Free Hits when you join and activate your account
100 Free Hits for everyone you refer to HandsFreeTraffic
Receive 1 traffic credit for each site surfed
150 traffic credits added to your account each month
1500 banner impressions added to your account each month
1000 text impressions added to your account each month
You can advertise 10 URLs
9 second timer
Earn traffic credits each time your Hands Free Referral Page is shown on another TE.

Pro I - Cost $3.00

You can earn a residual income each month
Receive Random Referrals to your first level so you can earn a commission
400 Free Hits when you join and activate your account
100 Free Hits for everyone you refer to HandsFreeTraffic
Receive 2 traffic credits for each site surfed
200 traffic credits added to your account each month
3000 banner impressions added to your account each month
2000 text impressions added to your account each month
You can advertise 15 URLs
7 second timer
Earn traffic credits each time your Hands Free Referral Page is shown on another TE.

Pro II - Cost $5.00

You can earn a residual income each month
Receive Random Referrals to your first level so you can earn a commission
600 Free Hits when you join and activate your account
100 Free Hits for everyone you refer to HandsFreeTraffic
Receive 2 traffic credits for each site surfed
1000 traffic credits added to your account each month
5000 banner impressions added to your account each month
4000 text impressions added to your account each month
You can advertise 20 URLs
7 second timer
Earn traffic credits each time your Hands Free Referral Page is shown on another TE.

Enterprise Pro - Cost $8.00

You can earn a residual income each month
Receive Random Referrals to your first level so you can earn a commission
800 Free Hits when you join and activate your account
100 Free Hits for everyone you refer to HandsFreeTraffic
Receive 3 traffic credits for each site surfed
2000 traffic credits added to your account each month
10,000 banner impressions added to your account each month
10,000 text impressions added to your account each month
You can advertise 25 URLs
7 second timer
Earn traffic credits each time your Hands Free Referral Page is shown on another TE

Whether your stay a free member or upgrade to enjoy all the benefits, you will find some of the best prices offered by any traffic exchange on hit credits, banners, and text credits so please join today!

We accept paypal and alertpay!

Thank You!